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- Hands-On Learning Key to Success in the Field
July 29, 2022
Hands-On Learning Key to Success in the Field

In the current highly competitive job market, it is more important now than ever to invest in training and employee professional growth for those on your team. For veteran employees, it reinforces your interest in their career success and in supporting their personal and professional goals. For new employees, it’s a great way to make a first (or early) positive impression – showcasing the type of employer you are and how much value you place on your team.
Industry training comes in all shapes and sizes; from online to in-person, there’s something available to fit every company’s needs and budget. Online training is obviously convenient and typically pretty cost-effective so it tends to be a preferred option. And it can be easy to underestimate how impactful and effective hands-on, kinetic training can be, but we all know how critical that type of training is to ensure the success of fenestration and glazing products in the field.
Different types of learners can benefit from hands-on training in a myriad of ways. In these settings, those learning can hear an instructor guide them for auditory learners, see training materials and demonstrations for visual learners, and have the advantage of feeling their way through completing a task and experiencing the process for kinetic learners. It is one thing to watch someone apply a sealant or fill and measure gas in an IG unit, but it is a different thing entirely to do it yourself in a safe, low-stakes environment with guidance from industry veterans who are true experts in their field.
To help companies with employee training, FGIA offers numerous fenestration- and glass-specific education programs. Among my favorites are both the in-person and video series of the FGIA IG Fabricators Workshop. While hands-on training is ideal – and this workshop consistently earns rave reviews - the video series can train those unable to travel and offers a condensed version of the workshop in ten 20–30-minute segments. It is available for purchase in the FGIA Online Store.
The next in-person IG Fabricators Workshop will be held November 1-3 at the Intertek facility in Plano, TX. Registration for this event will open in late summer. Please contact education@fgiaonline.org with any questions.
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Tags: education, training, development, workshop
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