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Why is FGIA Conference Participation So Crucial?

As you may have heard, registration is now open for the Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance (FGIA) 2024 Fall Conference! This special industry event is taking place September 16-19 in Minneapolis, MN, at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis. I am especially excited for the theme of this conference: “Oktoberfest”! We will be celebrating this introduction to autumn with a fun night out at Surly Brewing, complete with a performance from a Minnesota Hall of Fame inductee, the Jolly Huntsmen Polka Band. But as you know, FGIA...

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Celebrating FGIA Staff Week on Social Media

One of my favorite parts about using social media to represent FGIA is getting to share “behind the scenes” moments with our followers. Many of our followers are our FGIA members. First and foremost, they are the ones we are working so hard for every week, bringing them the benefits of FGIA membership through dedicated service. But in addition to that, they are the people we look forward to seeing at conferences and catching up with every few months. While they see us hard at...

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Staff Appreciation Week | A Strategy for Recognizing Employees

In early July, FGIA is hosting all our staff, including both Chicagoland area employees and remote workers in the U.S. and Canada, for a fun week of events at our Schaumburg, IL headquarters. While we are a relatively small company of just under 30 people, opportunities for all of us to be together in person can be hard to come by. But I know the importance of workplace recognition and ensuring our employees know they and the work they do are valuable and contribute in...

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What to Expect from FGIA’s New Summer Conference Format Starting in 2025

As part of FGIA’s objective focused on delivering purposeful and valued events, the Summer Conference will be transitioned into a fully virtual event beginning in 2025, allowing for a focus on two in-person conferences each year: the FGIA Annual Conference and the FGIA Fall Conference. This announcement was initially communicated in December of 2023 and again during the opening general session at this month’s 2024 Summer Conference in Montreal, QC. We are excited to share the concept with everyone and tell you what we have...

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Lost in Translation | Social Media and Other Languages

A funny thing happened on the drive to the FGIA Summer Conference. I was in a car heading from the airport to the beautiful Le Westin Montreal, our host hotel for the event. The driver of the car spoke only French, and I speak only English. I knew we were traveling to French-speaking Canada, so I had studied the travel-size copy of Rick Steves’ French Phrase and Dictionary my dad loaned me before my trip. And, of course, the second I needed some common French...

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Get the Latest Market Information with the New Edition of the FGIA Market Studies

Every two years, FGIA is proud to release the full version of the FGIA Study of the U.S. Market for Windows, Doors and Skylights. The 2024 report is available now.This bi-annual report delivers timely information on residential and non-residential market trends and product shipment data for fenestration products used in both of these construction markets. Residential product data offers breakdowns of windows, doors and skylights by replacement versus new construction units as well as different framing materials. Non-residential product data includes a breakdown of product...

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Learn the Value of GPC Membership Participation

FGIA’s Glass Products Council has been busy in 2024! Those with this type of FGIA membership enjoy benefits like having access to new product research, information about new technologies and the ability to help develop new standards that impact the industry. If you aren’t already, consider becoming a part of this team. Read on for more.The GPC oversees and reviews development of all technical publications, assists in development and maintenance of insulating glass standards and provides technical expertise and supports technical programs. The Council also...

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What is Going on Over at Threads?

It has been a little over 10 months since the release of Threads, Meta’s answer to “X” (formerly Twitter). I thought it might be a good time to check in with how things are going at the text-based app, intended to become the premiere “X” replacement. The company seems to know it has a long way to go before it can fully compete, but they are making strides. Plus, I sat in on a webinar this week about some best practices for building a community...

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The FGIA Summer Conference is a Can't-Miss Industry Event

The 2024 FGIA Summer Conference is approaching, and now is the time to get the best rate for attending this must-see experience in beautiful Montreal. The event is taking place at Le Westin Montreal from June 3-6 and we are excited to share what we have planned! The preliminary conference schedule is packed with a blend of technical content and unique networking in an engaging format.Content highlights include sessions addressing embodied carbon, plastics regulations, natural disaster standards and testing, and our always popular codes and...

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How Does the New PCR for Fenestration Assemblies Benefit FGIA Members?

Is your company experiencing increased interest in sustainability? A new tool is now available for FGIA members whose customers seek environmentally conscious information to make choices for their homes and businesses. With property owners, architects and organizations’ interest in sustainable products and building practices growing, the newly released Product Category Rule (PCR) for fenestration systems comes at a great time.Thanks to collaboration by FGIA, the National Glass Association (NGA), and the Window & Door Manufacturers Association (WDMA), the updated and expanded PCR for Environmental Product...

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