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- Committees and Participation
Committees and Participation

FGIA is organized into three divisions known as the Architectural Products Council (APC), Glass Products Council (GPC) and the Residential Products Council (RPC) - all report to the Board of Directors. Products Councils consist of several product- or material-specific Councils that address technical, regulatory and marketing needs of that market segment.
The Association also supports Southeast and Western Regions, which address issues specific to the unique environments and building code requirements in their respective geographic areas.
Committee and Task Group Member Participation
Members may join any committees or task groups (except Steering Committees) by logging into the website and submitting your request or by notifying staff.
Ballot Voting Member
Individual receives all correspondence related to the committee/task group and is responsible for returning electronic ballots so that the required minimum number of responses is achieved.
Corresponding Member
Individual receives all correspondence related to the committee/task group with the option of commenting on electronic ballots.
Leadership Positions
FGIA offers many leadership opportunities to members, allowing these individuals to grow professionally and to showcase their company’s involvement and expertise.
- Board of Directors
- Steering Committee rosters
- Council First and Second Vice Presidents
- Committee and Task Group Chairs, Co-Chairs and Vice Chairs
Forming Committees/Task Groups
Groups may be formed when any member or group of members prepare and present a formal motion to the Council(s) under which the group will operate. The request must include a proposed name, scope, roster and Chair.
SIGN UP FOR GROUPS by visiting the Committees page and searching by committee name. For newly formed groups, there is also a yellow “Add to Roster” form in the registration area.
Council Designations
FGIA is broken into different product and material councils that serve the distinct interests of member companies. These councils meet at in-person conferences and during conference calls, as needed.
- AMC - Aluminum Material Council
- APC - Architectural Products Council
- DOOR - Door Council
- FMC - Fiberglass Material Council
- GPC - Glass Products Council
- RPC - Residential Products Council
- SKY - Skylight/Sloped Glazing Council
- VMC - Vinyl Material Council
- WIC - Wall Interface Council
- WCCMC - Wood and Cellulosic Composite Material Council
Steering Committees
The Board appoints committees to oversee specific areas of FGIA’s operation, which represent the interests of all members. Steering Committees differ from other committees and task groups in that rosters are appointed, and all roster participants must be Category 1 or GPC members. The following Steering Committees manage the primary operational areas of the organization.
- Certification Steering Committee (CSC) (inactive)
- Code Action Steering Committee (CASC)
- Education Steering Committee (ESC)
- Innovation Steering Committee (ISC)
- Marketing and Engagement Steering Committee (MESC)
- Regulatory Steering Committee (RSC)
- Sustainability Steering Committee (SSC)
- Technical Steering Committee (TSC)
Other Acronyms
As with any industry association, FGIA has its own acronyms. These have been included in a quick guide for easy reference.