Filtering by tag: "awards"
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Follow #FGIAconf During the Annual Conference for Breaking News from FGIA

Will you be in Orlando for the FGIA Annual Conference? Even if you can’t be on site, FGIA’s social media presence makes it easy to keep up with highlights in real time. The Annual Conference is our biggest event each year, and it’s when we get the chance to recognize our members for their contributions, their tenure with the organization and more. Here are four things to watch for on social media during the event, taking place February 17-20.Tenure Awards: Many FGIA members are celebrating...

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Why FGIA Recognizes Member Contributions during the Annual Conference Each Year

Member awards are an important part of every FGIA Annual Conference, and this year will be no exception. The awards ceremony and reception is a time when we can look back on the work of the previous year and recognize the members who went above and beyond to contribute to our success. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the awards nomination and selection process, I wanted to share some information about how FGIA’s winners were selected and why.For each award, nomination surveys are...

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All the Things to Watch for on Social Media During the FGIA Annual Conference

Are you going to be in Amelia Island for the FGIA Annual Conference? Even if you can’t be on site, you can still keep up with highlights on social media. The Annual Conference is our biggest event each year, and it’s when we get the chance to recognize our members for their contributions, their tenure with the organization and more. Here are five things to watch out for on social media during the event, taking place February 19-22.A Tribute to Rich Walker: During Opening General...

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Connect with FGIA During the 2023 Annual Conference

I am looking forward to being in California this month for the 2023 FGIA Annual Conference! One of my favorite FGIA events each year is the Awards Banquet, because it’s an opportunity for the Association to recognize its leadership for the hard work they do the previous year. Plus, from a social media standpoint, it’s fun to have the “scoop” when we announce the winners on social media! Whether you will be participating in-person or virtually for this conference, you can get involved with #FGIAconf...

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Why FGIA Leadership Roles Matter

During next week’s FGIA Virtual Annual Conference, we will gather (remotely) to engage with speakers and learn from presentations on several important industry topics. Of equal import, we will also take the time to recognize our leadership during the Virtual Annual Awards Ceremony. This ceremony is a time to reflect on the members who make our Association as efficient as it is, and to honor their hard work. Those who take on leadership roles often do so in addition to their regular work assignments with...

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