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- FGIA Recognizes Industry Leaders for Excellence During Annual Awards Ceremony
February 23, 2021
FGIA Recognizes Industry Leaders for Excellence During Annual Awards Ceremony

The Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance (FGIA) recognized the contributions and achievements of its members and congratulated award winners at the Virtual Annual Awards Ceremony at the end of the first day of the conference - Tuesday, February 23. Awards were presented by the previous year’s award winners, who recognized recipients for their many efforts toward progressing the work of the association and the industry overall.
Outstanding Service Award – Joe Hayden (Pella Corporation)
The Outstanding Service Award was presented to Joe Hayden, Principal Engineer at Pella Corporation, by previous award recipients Mike Burk, North American Technical Representative for Sparklike, and Randi Ernst, CEO of FDR Design.
The Outstanding Service Award recognizes individuals who have distinguished themselves in their work and dedication to the advancement of FGIA and the industry as a whole.
“He is a great communicator, always ready to give a valued opinion and contribute in useful ways,” said Burk. “His guidance on proper procedures and development of standards and guidelines has benefited not only FGIA, but the industry as a whole. Involved in several leading roles, his contributions have made an important difference on many levels. In honor of his contributions, Joe also won the 2014 Residential Products Group Distinguished Service Award.”
As an active member of more than 75 FGIA committees and task groups, Hayden’s involvement in several of these committees includes development of multiple standards. He also serves as President of the Western Region Board; First Vice President of the Residential Products Council; Chair of the Residential Technical Committee; and Co-Chair of the Education Steering Committee, NFRC/AERC Advisory Committee and Technical Steering Committee, as well as many other leadership positions within FGIA.
Architectural Distinguished Service Award – Ivan Zuniga (Kawneer Company)
The Architectural Distinguished Service Award was presented to Ivan Zuniga, Product Manager at Kawneer Company, by previous award recipient Carl Troiano, President of Trojan Powder Coatings.
This award recognizes an individual who accomplishes formative work on behalf of the association and the Architectural Products Council.
“A valuable contributor to the Architectural Products Council, Ivan helped to promote and provide information about architectural windows, curtain walls and storefronts in the fenestration and related building products industry,” said Troiano. “His involvement shows his commitment to the assurance of appropriate standards within the industry, including technical, regulatory, legislative, marketing and certification support being communicated and maintained to benefit both providers and users in the architectural marketplace.”
Zuniga has chaired the APC/RPC/GPC Acoustical Substitution Task Group, developing guidelines for the substitution of glass and frame types based on AAMA TIR-A1 and additional research data and co-chairs the NFRC/AERC Advisory Committee, developing FGIA positions on NFRC and AERC issues. He also serves as chair of the Sustainability Steering Committee, educating and advocating for fenestration and glass product-related sustainability and transparency-related issues.
Residential Products Group Distinguished Service Award – Todd Stratmoen (Larson Manufacturing Company)
The Residential Distinguished Service Award was awarded to Todd Stratmoen, Corporate Engineering Initiatives Manager at Larson Manufacturing Company, by previous award recipient Mark Mikkelson, Director, Corporate Regulatory Affairs, for Andersen Corporation.
Each year, a member who excels in work toward improving the association and the Residential Products Council is recognized with this distinction.
“Todd has a big heart and a truly great desire to do what is best for everyone: customers, colleagues and the industry as a whole,” said Mikkelson. “His dedication, drive and extensive knowledge of the industry have made him a respected mentor and the source of sought-after advice, which he gives freely and with genuine care.”
Active on many committees, Stratmoen shows passion and drive to make valuable contributions to projects like the efforts to update the North American Fenestration Standard (NAFS). He has played a key role in ensuring requirements for secondary storm products are updated within NAFS.
Marketing Distinguished Service Award – Carl Troiano (Trojan Powder Coating)
The Marketing Distinguished Service Award was presented to Carl Troiano, Owner and President of Trojan Powder Coating, by previous recipient John Westerfield, Web Development and Code Compliance Officer for CrystaLite.
This award acknowledges a single individual who has exhibited leadership and outstanding service in marketing activities for the association.
“Closely involved for years with setting standards in the finishing industry, his dedication to ensuring quality production and installation of all finishing materials, including aluminum, vinyl and fiberglass, has led to improvements in both efficiency and customer satisfaction,” said Westerfield. “His concern with accelerated resistance, color retention and performance criteria inspired him to participate in various aspects within the Association.”
A member of the FGIA Board of Directors, Troiano has also served as a member of several task groups and committees over the years, notably serving as Chairman of the Aluminum Material Council Finishes Committee, which maintains and develops all aluminum finishes documents, and as a representative on the Finishes Steering Committee.
Glass Products Council Distinguished Service Award – Helen Sanders (Technoform)
The Glass Products Council Distinguished Service Award was presented to Dr. Helen Sanders, General Manager at Technoform, by previous award recipient Jeff Haberer, Director of Technical Services for Trulite Glass and Aluminum Solutions.
“Helen is versatile with an admirable technical background and knowledge in her field,” said Haberer. “She has a history of successfully commercializing products as well as developing businesses, and I’ll add in developing people. She is known as a coach and champion of those just starting out in the industry.”
Sanders, a member of the FGIA Board of Directors, also serves as First Vice President of the Glass Products Council and Co-Chair of both the Innovation Steering Committee and the Sustainability Steering Committee. She is also the Chair of the Task Group for Processed Glass Product Category Rules (PCR) and is an important contributor to the Window PCR Task Group, a joint effort with other industry organizations. In addition, Sanders is Co-Chair of the Task Group on IG Edge Pressure, which is a research effort within the Glass Products Council.
For more information, visit FGIAonline.org.
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