Jul 16, 2024

2024 FGIA Virtual Western Region Summit

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Event Details

David McDonald headshot

Join us at FGIA’s Virtual Western Region Summit!

On behalf of the FGIA Western Region Board of Directors, I invite you to our FGIA Virtual Western Region Summit on July 16. This is a unique opportunity to connect virtually with expert speakers and gain the latest information and insight about topics relevant to those who engage with the Western Region in just one day. 

The final schedule is available now, and features speakers from key western states to discuss critical legislative and code topics related to the proposed changes in California Title 24 U-factor and solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) requirements in the next version of the building energy efficiency standards. We will then cover Colorado’s potential decision to shift from ENERGY STAR, as mandated in current state law, to align with the 2024 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). 

The Circular Action Alliance, an approved organization to implement Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws for paper and packaging in California and Colorado) will discuss compliance with extended producer responsibility laws for packaging in these Western states. 

The afternoon will shift and consult with the CalFire Chief, learning about California’s Wildland Urban Interface Codes compliance and wrapping up the day by discovering the buzz on PFAS and how manufacturers can reduce the potential risks. We are proud of this lineup of great topics and speakers! Don’t wait—register now! 

I am looking forward to connecting with you all on July 16th. 

FGIA Western Region President 

David McDonald (Marvin)


Thank You to Our Sponsor!



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