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AAMA and IGMA standards are developed in response to the needs of our member companies to solve critical issues in the industry. It takes the interest, energy and experience of our members to help support the development of these standards. It is effective collaboration and communication that make us strong, and your vote counts.

Voting During Conferences

During in-person conferences, voting is based on badge color which reflects each member company’s Council voting rights.


Only one vote per eligible company membership is accepted per ballot. The member company’s main contact receives notification of all association and Council ballots.

All comments and disapprovals must have an explanation and must be formally addressed and resolved by the committee or task group.

Committee/Task Group Ballot

Members listed on committee and task group rosters are eligible to vote if their company has elected to support the Council under which the committee or task group operates.

Council Ballots

Once the committee or task group has come to a consensus on a draft of the document or project, it will be distributed for Council ballot to the main contact of each member company supporting the Council(s) to which the committee or task group reports.